CareSpan Clinic is a Mobile Application of CareSpan Asia’s fully integrated DigitalPrimary Care Platform designed especially for Member Patients’ Convenience, Security & Safety andContinuous Connection. Member Patients, on the My Doctors tab, may select and schedule Doctorappointments, receive confirmation and reminders. The CareSpan Virtual Consultation Experience is amodern and technologically advanced Patient & Doctor Encounter with the clinical quality of an in-person visit. During these live online consultations, vital signs may be recorded, and image capture andannotation may be done. Member Patients, on the My Health tab, may access their personalized andcomprehensive Electronic Health Records anytime to get the ePrescriptions, eLaboratory Orders,Medical Certificates issued during online consultations, upload medical test results and provide health-related information. The data will support a thorough assessment of their health status and consequentdetermination of a timely and appropriate Care Plan. Member Patients, on the My Meds tab, mayelectronically retain a record of their medications for a specific illness with the corresponding dosageregimen. The CareSpan Clinic offers medicines order and delivery options provided by Partner Pharmacynationwide. The CareSpan Clinic is CareSpan Asia’s Member Patient Portal for an Empowered PersonalInvolvement in their own Health Management.